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Let's get 
your family sleeping now!

It's time to transform your family's sleep! 


 Achieve happier, healthier lives through science based sleep programs, expert education, personalized support! 

Sleep consultant, naps, sleeping through the night, best sleep consultant, Ottawa Ontario Canada, worldwide, family sleep institute, short naps, baby sleep, sleep cycles, nap transition, dropping naps, sleep associations, sleep crutches, sleep waves, wake times, early rising, sleep help, timed intervals, cry it out, gentle methods, infant, children, parents, families, sleep deprived, wits end, sleep training, sleep coaching, crying, feeds, nursing, formula, help, support, sleep programs, tired moms

I know you are tired of spending endless hours searching for solutions to help your little one sleep! Tried everything and anything to get some sleep? I was there too thinking there is was no light at the end of the tunnel! I was feeling completely drained, anxious, angry, frustrated that no one was sleeping.  There is no need to search any further, I got you. Say goodbye to struggling through the night and hello to blissful, uninterrupted sleep! 

My sleep programs will empower you with the know-how and techniques necessary to conquer nighttime wakenings, short naps, nap transitions, developmental leaps and so much more!!! I will provide the tools you need to help your precious one to sleep independently! You will witness astonishing results as your entire family enjoys the rest you truly deserve! My step-by-step sleep plans are customized to align with your parenting beliefs and backed by science.  Learn more about me - KIM

Q&a cALL

 Let's talk it out!  Sometimes all you need is a phone call to see amazing results! A 60 minute can help you figure out what needs to change to get your family sleeping.


Are sleep associations, short or non-existent naps, and frequent night wakings - just to name a few -  keeping your little one from getting restorative sleep?  Dive into this fantastic 2 week program!


I bet you're thinking it's too late and your child is just a terrible sleeper. It's never too late to help your child sleep better! This program is for children between the ages of 3 &12 and are still not sleeping.


Twins!!!  Twice as much fun right!?  Most of the time yes but when it comes to sleeping challenges, it can be twice as challenging.  It's hard enough trying to figure sleep out for one child and now there's two This program is suitable for children ages  5.5 months (adjusted) to 3 years of age.


Discover the wonders of the Newborn Sleep Program! Your ultimate guide to understanding newborn sleep during the first 4 months of your little one's life.


Helping your employees get the sleep they need is life changing. An investment in helping your employees become better rested will be one you that you will not regret. Companies that focus on staff wellness see an increase in moral, productivity and a reduction in sick days and turnover. Focusing on sleep for your employees will benefit their mental health and wellness.  

"The information I learned about infant sleep - and more specifically my baby’s sleep - is absolutely priceless! On top of that, Kim really listened to my concerns and questions. Her attention to detail and level of care for our baby is something I’ll never forget. I hope more Mothers come to know of her services because it is a great tool to have. And on top of all of that, she empowered me with confidence when it came to implementing the sleep plan she created for us. I can’t say enough good things, working with Kim has completely changed my postpartum journey in such a positive way!"

Brittaney N.

" I would definitely recommend Kim to any parent who is looking for more sleep! There is no way I would have survived and persevered without Kim's positive approach and generous encouragement! Kim is extremely professional and very personable, amazing at what she does, and a true pleasure to have shared this sleep journey with. Can't thank her enough!!!!"  

Erica F. 

"Kim was wonderful! I was so worried about going through this process. We had been contact napping for her whole 7.5 months of life. She gave me the tools, knowledge, and support I needed to transition my little to the crib. I knew I couldn’t handle too much crying and we were able to avoid that stressed almost all together thanks to Kim! I no longer feel trapped in motherhood. I can’t say enough great things! I’m so happy I trusted her with my littles sleep!"

Sarah T.

"Thank you so much for giving us our life back Kim! We are also so thankful for the confidence you instilled in us and your process to help babies learn to sleep deeper and longer.

Kim went above and beyond in her consultancy during our virtual consultation and rode the setbacks of a sick baby and multiple ear infections while still keeping a positive attitude and helping us make lots of progress.
Cannot recommend Kim enough to all parents, with new and old babies alike. My only advice for new parents going forward is “invest in sleep” !!!

Kayla H.

 "We Must Be Dreaming? Thanks to you Kim, we are! We are still in disbelief that after 7 1/2 months of waking up several times a night to nurse and comfort our baby boy, he is now sleeping 11-12 hours a night! This wouldn't have happened without your guidance. You have been so helpful with answering questions and providing tips that made all of the difference. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" 

Lisa R. 

"We had the pleasure of working with Kim Davis. She is truly a remarkable person and genuinely cares about her clients. Kim helped our family in so many ways! She customized a sleep plan that was within our comfort zone. She coached us through the entire process and made sure we achieved all of our sleep goals.  Kim not only helped us with sleep training our 10-month old baby, but she also gave us back our confidence. She encouraged us to take our time and just "pause" -- to have faith that our baby can learn to sleep on his own.

Kim, we can't thank you enough for your dedication and guidance in helping us through our sleep journey. We learned so much from you and we look forward to connecting with you again!"

Ashley Z.

"Our little family has gone through a transformation this past month. At one point I was getting up 13 times a night to tend to her. It was awful!  I finally had enough of not sleeping and sought some professional help.  It's been fantastic! I used to spend an hour or more trying to get my little girl to sleep by nursing and rocking.  Our day has transformed!  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Kim! "

Becky T. 

"When I contacted Kim I was truly mentally and physically exhausted.  She taught me so much and was truly there by my side every step of the way!  Not only did our little one start napping without a sleep to feed association but she also stopped fighting every nap and night with tears. She became rested and happy.  Kim I really can't thank you enough, you are truly so gifted with the talent you have to help families through their sleep journeys!"

Jenn C. 

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